- Permanent control of the production area to maintain the required temperature and humidity.
- A modern monitoring and alarm system operating 24 hours a day and 7 days a week enables continuous supervision and immediate correction of operating conditions.
- Production premises designed and equipped in such a way as to meet the requirements of the strictest hygienic regime
- Production premises classified according to the GMP requirements
- Regular microbiological monitoring of the production zones
- A chemical laboratory for analyses of raw materials, intermediate and finished products
- A microbiological testing laboratory
- An R&D / prototyping laboratory
- Implemented and regularly certified quality management systems
- Modern equipment for mixing, encapsulating and blistering, bottling and sacheting operations
- A linear arrangement of the facility’s equipment eliminates unnecessary activities and losses, from the receipt of raw materials to the storage of finished products.
- A specialist cold store for storing probiotic raw materials and finished products
- All finished products are stored in the storage room under controlled environmental conditions
- Environmental control of the entire storage room